Research procedure

On the computer screen you will see a picture of the organ surveyed at present. At the bottom of the screen the name of investigated organ and a scale of frequencies is shown.

In the right part of the screen you can see a window with the curve showing amplitude of signals of various frequencies. Ideally the curve of the etalon and the real signal should coincide. The large distinctions between the curves show possible presence of functional deviations.

The button Pause/Resume allows to make a pause in a research if necessary. You can also remove the headphones during the research and it will be automatically stopped until you put them on again. The button Exit allows to return to a card file.

The technology analyses only one person at the time. The correlations, analysis and treatments take between 30 minutes to 1 hour depending upon how many organs are tested. The tested organs are seen on the screen, and the results are saved on the hard disk. Thus the progress of the client can be followed at each consultation.