All “objects” in the universe have their proper structure, including the human race. We can affirm that the “informational structure” is very important and that the human body depends upon the electromagnetic direction of this structure. Each cell in the body sends out a very weak electromagnetic sphere around it. This radiation contains information about the function of the cells, which again depends upon how they communicate between themselves.
Perfect health indicates a perfect communication between the cells. The human body is a range of electromagnetic radiations which contain information in the same way as a radio or television appliance or other electronic appliances which send out or capture waves containing information or high frequencies while the information transported is of lower frequencies. All the organs in the body have their own information frequencies, which are well known, measured and registered in the given databases. These are an integrated part of the function of the PHYSIOSPECT.
When the cells of the organs communicate they are tuned in on the same frequency (wave length) and are in resonance in the same way as a radio is tuned in on the transmitter. The resonance frequency is thus carrier of information. Each organ and each cell of the body emits a low frequency, normally between 1 and 10 Hz. This low frequency module the frequency carried, which gives the signal. The diagram gives the normal value for certain organs, and this value will vary according to age and sex.
The first level of pathology is detected by a disturbance of the resonance between the cells and the various organs of the body, A more serious pathology will ensue when the communication is interrupted dramatically. All living organisms are dependent upon a functional internal and external communication.
Quantum medicine teaches that we are beings of communication. Our cells feel this communication instinctively in the same way as a healer works intuitively. The Physiospect captures and registers information in a precise manner and can thus influence the cells and help restore their functions in the same way as a healer does.